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Written by Talan performance

Is a LEAN implementation a guaranteed success?


LEAN - équipe


The variation in client requests, the sales teams increasing demands and the need to maintain or reduce costs exert constant pressure on the production system.

To reduce this pressure, you have identified improvement initiatives, allocated resources and established a plan including activities and deliverables.
Result: 50% of the developed solutions have been implemented. Among the latter, only half stayed the course.

What will be the key factor to your LEAN approach success?

Favour standardization

When improvements are made to a risky and chaotic process, it can only add to chaos in place. In the case in which a person creatively improves work, but the approach used does not become a standard, no one else can benefit from it and overall, nothing has improved.

The standard work is not only a set of carefully prepared and controlled document, it is much more! It is the way to create the best possible performance consistency.

The SHERPA process improvement program and the revolution brought by POKA are defined platforms from which employees can continuously improve processes.

 Before improving; formalize your methods\processes

  • Formalize methods\procedure in order for them to become definable, predictable and repeatable
  • Progressively use  methods that will ensure the best possible results
  • Eliminate losses by reducing and removing variations within a process

Lean - processus



In summary, to allow a continuous improvement with LEAN, a standard method\process must be constant. This stability will begin the creative progression of continuous improvement, which will be reflected in the fiscal health of production.

Thinking about implementing an improvement program? To learn more about Sherpa and Poka, please contact us.

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