Should we celebrate Pride Month at Talan? Without deep reflection and concrete actions, are we on the verge of going down the road of “pinkwashing”? Frankly, I’ve been wondering.
In hindsight, it is clear to me that we need to be vocal in our support for the LGBTQ+ community. Although great victories have been won since Stonewell in 1969, the fight against discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia is still very much alive in our society. The more we talk about it and the more visibility we give to the movement, the more we will make things change.
The business community must assume its share of responsibility and continue to raise awareness among its members. Business leaders certainly have an important role in the integration of members of the LGBTQ+ community. They have the power to implement measures to ban harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
Celebrating the contribution of the LGBTQ+ community is also important to provide young people, our future leaders, with role models that will foster their full development as individuals.
Pride Month is more than a rainbow banner at Talan. It is also about employees, members of the community, in leadership positions and openly displaying their orientation. This creates a sense of acceptance and makes every employee feel respected for their uniqueness and difference.
Not everyone is so lucky…
Finally, I encourage members of the business community and other business leaders to be allies in promoting and raising the visibility of LGBTQ+ community members. Together, we have the power to break down taboos.